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Countermeasures Page 10

  Megan nodded wearily. “I can get started on it again at Cyberdyne first thing tomorrow.”

  Sawyer shook his head. “I don’t think that’s going to work. Cyberdyne is too dangerous. Whoever is working for DS-13 on the inside? We don’t know who that is or what that person is prepared to do.”

  Trish Wilborne, the programmer, came to mind at Sawyer’s words. Was she the traitor? Time-wise it would make sense. But Megan didn’t know if her exhausted brain could be trusted, so she didn’t say anything to Sawyer about it.

  “I have the critical elements of the countermeasure, but I still need some items from Cyberdyne if I’m going to work on it somewhere else.”

  “Like what?”

  Megan closed her eyes, her face still against the window. “Well, in a perfect world I would need a clean room where I could control environmental pollutants, my electron microscope, a randomizer, EEPROM programmer, a particular digital signal processing chip and programmer, power supplies, capacitors, a breadboard—”

  Megan would’ve continued, but Sawyer reached over and touched her gently on the arm.

  “All right, I get it, although I didn’t understand half those words. I’ll talk to Omega about getting us a safe house where you can work, hopefully some sort of lab, but it probably won’t have all of that.”

  “I could still do it without all of that, but it wouldn’t be optimal.”

  “Well, be thinking about the bare minimum you need, just in case.”

  Megan nodded, closing her eyes and laying her head back against the headrest. She would think about what items she really needed, but not right now. She was just too tired.

  They pulled up at the hotel where Sawyer had been staying when he wasn’t sleeping at her office or on her couch. Megan could barely force her muscles to move from the car. She opened the door, but couldn’t muster the strength to get out.

  Sawyer came around and crouched down next to her open door.

  “Hey.” His friendly smile was ridiculously sexy. He probably had no idea. Or maybe he did. Megan could only stare at him. “You doing okay?”

  “I think I might be broken. I can’t seem to get out of the car.”

  Sawyer reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and trailed his fingers along her cheek. It was all Megan could do not to lean into his hand. “You’ve been through quite a lot in the last thirty-six hours. Not much sleep, and then periods of intense adrenaline.”

  “And a knife at my throat.”

  “That, too, definitely. It’s enough to make anyone’s body shut down.”

  Sawyer stood, reaching into the car to help her out. Megan was glad to find her legs could support her own weight.

  “Do I need to carry you?”

  “That would be mighty conspicuous, wouldn’t it? You carrying me through the lobby and hallway?” Megan giggled.

  Sawyer gave her that smile again. “Probably. But no more conspicuous than you keeling over in the middle of the lobby.”

  “I’ll be all right. I’m feeling better.”

  “You look better.” He ran a finger down her cheek. “At least you have a little bit of your color back—you looked pretty traumatized there for a while.” Sawyer grabbed the small bag they had packed from her house, slipped his arm around her waist and led them inside and up to his room.

  Sawyer only turned on one small light in his room and led Megan directly to one of the beds, pulling the blankets back.

  “In you go. You’ve got to get some rest. We need to go back to Cyberdyne in a few hours for the items you need before anybody shows up there for work.”

  Megan didn’t argue with him, just slipped off her jacket and shoes and lay down in the bed. “What time is it right now?”

  “Almost midnight. Get some sleep, sweetheart.”

  “Don’t you need to sleep, too?” The words came out slurred. Now that Megan was lying down, she could barely force herself to stay awake.

  “I will. I need to make some phone calls to Omega. But you get the rest you need. I’ll be fine.”

  It was the last thing she heard before sleep claimed her.

  * * *

  SAWYER WATCHED MEGAN fall asleep right in the middle of their conversation. That was fine; her body and mind were obviously exhausted. Sawyer tucked the sheet and comforter around her more securely. He wished he could erase that traumatized look she’d had at her house. How the hell were things snowballing out of control so fast?

  Sawyer moved to the table on the opposite side of the room so he was less likely to disturb Megan, although he doubted anything would wake her up right now. He dialed in to Omega, wishing his sister, Juliet, was at the office. She worked an odd mixture of desk jobs at Omega—part analyst, part handler. She was too good to really be either, but that was what she wanted right now, and Sawyer and his brothers supported her.

  But it was midnight, so Juliet probably wouldn’t be in the office when Sawyer called in requesting the specialized safe house he and Megan needed so she could get the countermeasure work finished. He’d just be talking to a random handler. Not how Sawyer preferred it, but right now his only option.

  Sawyer made the call, first providing his credential and identification codes. He then gave the handler the information about the break-in at Megan’s home and their need for a specific type of safe house. Sawyer felt better after the call was completed. Although Sawyer didn’t know the handler personally, he seemed competent and ready to find Sawyer what he needed. Sawyer knew local law enforcement would be called out to Megan’s house and the scene processed. If anything of any value showed up, Sawyer would be notified immediately.

  Knowing that was taken care of, Sawyer felt more relaxed. It was now nearly one o’clock in the morning. Sawyer knew he needed sleep himself. Sawyer looked at Megan’s sleeping form in the bed. She had held up so well over the past couple of days, but he was afraid things were only going to get more difficult. If what Evan said was true and DS-13 was really close to having their version of Ghost Shell ready, he and Megan had to work even more quickly than Sawyer had originally thought.

  DS-13 calling buyers to an area so close to them here in Asheville really caught Sawyer’s attention in the same way it had caught Evan’s. Had DS-13 gotten someone from Cyberdyne to help them finish their Ghost Shell? Was it the same person who had been sabotaging the countermeasure work?

  That would make a lot of sense.

  Sawyer knew Megan had a hard time thinking of one of her team in the R & D department being the culprit, but it had to be. He and Megan needed to get to Cyberdyne, retrieve the necessary items and get out before that person came in to work tomorrow. Sawyer would then take Megan to a secure location so she could finish her countermeasure magic.

  Sawyer kicked off his shoes and lay down in the bed next to Megan. The thought of sleeping in the other bed—even for the few short hours they had—wasn’t even an option. In his mind, Sawyer kept seeing that knife pointed at Megan’s throat. It was a picture he’d take with him to the grave.

  Megan was lying on her side, facing away from him. Sawyer slid one arm under her shoulder, wrapping it around her, hooked his other arm around her hips and slid her back against him. Megan murmured sleepily for just a moment, then relaxed in his embrace.

  As tired as he was, Sawyer wanted to enjoy a few moments of just holding her. It was an unusual feeling for Sawyer—he didn’t tend to be a cuddling type of guy. But something about Megan brought out his protective instincts. Maybe it was her savvy brilliance layered with shy beauty. An odd mixture, unique to Megan.

  Megan was unique and appealing to Sawyer in ways he never thought possible.

  Sawyer pushed those thoughts out of his mind. He was here to protect her and to do whatever needed to be done to get the countermeasure complete. And although she was an itch he definitely hoped to scratch at some point, there was no need to get caught up with flowery emotions.

  He liked her. He was sexually attracted to her and was sure she was att
racted to him, too. But she was the job. He’d do well not to forget that.

  Sawyer fell asleep pulling the job closer to him.

  * * *

  MEGAN AWOKE TO Sawyer gently squeezing her shoulder. He was standing right beside her, freshly showered and ready to go.

  “Good morning.” He smiled at her, but it wasn’t the same relaxed grin he’d had last night. “I know you must still be tired, but we need to get to Cyberdyne before anyone else arrives there.”

  Megan sat up. “What time is it?”

  “Almost 4:30. You need more rest, I know, but like I said—”

  “No, it’s okay.” Megan swung her legs over the side of the bed. “Just let me take a quick shower and we can be on our way.”

  “Sure.” Sawyer had already sat down, typing something into his phone, not really paying her much attention.

  Megan wasn’t sure what she had expected—a good-morning kiss? More of his sexy smiles? She couldn’t put her finger on what the problem was, but it seemed as if last night’s quiet intimacy—at the restaurant, before the traumatic break-in and even afterward when they’d arrived here at the hotel—was now gone.

  But Megan could’ve sworn in the middle of the night, when she’d barely woken up for just a moment, that she’d been lying in Sawyer’s arms. Maybe her unconscious mind had imagined it just to soothe her.

  Megan glanced over at Sawyer again. He was still messing with his phone. Megan began to speak to him, but then decided to leave it alone. She walked to the shower instead.

  The shower helped her feel better, washing away some of the feeling of violation that had come from seeing everything she owned in shambles. The hot water and few hours’ sleep fortified her; she felt stronger, not so overwhelmed. Ready to get the countermeasure finished.

  And Sawyer had a lot on his mind. There was no reason to assume he was creating distance between the two of them on purpose. He was stressed trying to figure out who the traitor was at Cyberdyne, keep Megan safe, get ahead of DS-13. It was a lot. And she’d only talked to him for two minutes, and not her most alert two minutes at that. No need to borrow trouble.

  Megan changed into her recovered outfit and put on what makeup she had. She quickly braided her hair so that it fell neatly down her back.

  Coming out of the bathroom, Megan heard Sawyer on the phone. Whoever he was talking to, Sawyer wasn’t happy with the conversation.

  “We knew there was a probable security breach, Mr. Cory. That’s why I was sent here in the first place.”

  Ah, he was talking to Cyberdyne’s head of security, Ted Cory. Sawyer gave Megan a curt nod of acknowledgment.

  “Dr. Fuller needs to finish the project she’s working on. I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s of national-security importance that she finish it.”

  More talk from the other side. Sawyer stood up in disgust.

  “We’ve already established that the Cyberdyne labs have been compromised, Cory. She can’t work there safely. The Cyberdyne board of directors isn’t taking into account—”

  Megan watched as Sawyer’s grip on the phone became white-knuckled.

  “No, the FBI doesn’t have a subpoena for the equipment. So, yes, it is still Cyberdyne’s property.” Sawyer shook his head. “Then I guess she’ll have to work on it at the lab. But I want it on record that I don’t think this is the best solution. Dr. Fuller is sleeping right now, so tell the lab not to expect her until midday. She’ll bring the countermeasure with her when she comes in.”

  Sawyer listened, rubbing his eyes.

  “When are you meeting with the security team to let them know? Fine. If it’s okay, I’ll sit in on the meeting in case I can be of any assistance to you or answer any questions.”

  Sawyer disconnected the call and all but threw his phone down on the table in disgust.

  “So, that didn’t sound very promising.”

  “I called the head of security to bring him up to speed. I was about to let him know your badge had been stolen and that we were coming in to get the equipment you need in just a few minutes. Then he informed me that Cyberdyne is basically on lockdown in terms of equipment.”

  “What? They’ve never done anything like that. I’ve always been able to take work home with me as long as I clear it through the right channels.”

  “Evidently there was a meeting with the president and board of directors sometime yesterday with concerns about what is happening security-wise. Nothing—equipment, technology—is supposed to leave Cyberdyne. You’re required to return Ghost Shell and the countermeasure immediately. Cory’s holding a meeting to notify the entire security team of the new policy at seven o’clock.”

  “So I’ll have to work at Cyberdyne.” Megan didn’t like the idea, but didn’t see any way around it.

  For the first time Sawyer really looked at her. The hardness in his eyes softened and he crossed the room to sit next to her at the foot of the bed. “Megan, if you do that, we’ll be playing directly into DS-13’s hands. They want us trapped there at Cyberdyne, where you’re always being watched and they can keep trying to do damage.”

  “You believe DS-13 is behind the lockdown at Cyberdyne? Do you think Cory is in on it?”

  “DS-13 behind the lockdown wouldn’t surprise me. Omega recently found out that DS-13 is more far-reaching and powerful than we thought. But I doubt Cory is actually working for them. The pressure on the chief of security for the lockdown at Cyberdyne is coming from the board of directors. It would’ve been very easy for DS-13 to just put a bug in the ear of one of the board members about security. Then sit back and watch it domino. Cory is just a pawn.”

  Megan took a deep breath and blew it out, shrugging. “Regardless of who put pressure on whom or why, the outcome is still the same. They’re not going to let us take anything out.”

  “That’s right. Once Cory has the meeting at seven o’clock with the security team, nothing’s getting out. Furthermore, they’re expecting you to be in around noon and to turn over all Cyberdyne property you have in your possession.”

  Sawyer was looking at her intensely. The way he emphasized his words were odd. Then it clicked for Megan—Sawyer wasn’t telling her these details because he had accepted them as their circumstances. He was telling her so she also could see the tiny hole they were about to try to fit through.

  “But I’m not going to be there at noon, am I?” Megan asked him. “We’re still going right now to get everything out before security learns about the new policy.”

  Sawyer nodded and took her hand. “That was my thinking. But you have to be sure, Megan. You and I know how important the countermeasure is, but Cyberdyne probably is not going to see it that way—at least not for a while, if ever.”

  Megan looked down to where Sawyer had linked his hand with hers. Gone was the coldness and distance she had felt between them earlier. “I know,” she whispered.

  “Omega will do its best to explain to Cyberdyne why you did this, and why it was important and necessary, but it won’t make a difference for a while. You’ll basically be cut off from Cyberdyne.”

  Megan didn’t want to waste any more precious time arguing about this. Losing her job was nothing compared to the cost of a terrorist group having access to the damaging capacities of Ghost Shell with nothing in place to stop the damage. It would basically turn the government’s own communication equipment against itself—crippling law-enforcement agencies and first responders. It would leave the country wide-open and vulnerable for an attack.

  Thinking about it that way, Megan didn’t even have a choice. She had to get the countermeasure completed and in place as soon as possible. No matter what it cost her.

  Megan stood. “Let’s go. We don’t have any time to waste if we want to get in and out before the security briefing.”

  Sawyer stood up and drew her into his arms for a tight hug. Megan leaned in to him, trying to draw some of his strength. “You’re amazing,” he whispered. They pulled apart, gathered their stuff and headed ou
t the door.

  Megan couldn’t help but think she’d already lost her car and her home in an attempt to complete this project. Plus now it looked as though she was about to lose her job.

  Megan glanced at Sawyer walking beside her in the hallway. He reached over and put an arm around her, pulling her to his side as they walked. He looked down at her—warm, sexy smile back in place.

  Megan just hoped by the time it was all over she wouldn’t also lose her heart.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Sawyer had awakened that morning—his internal clock making an alarm unnecessary—Megan had still been wrapped in his arms. Except to turn to face each other, he didn’t think either of them moved from the embrace the entire time they had slept. Staring into her face—her features so relaxed and young-looking in sleep—Sawyer knew the best thing he could do was put some distance between them. Before things became any more complicated than they already were.

  He could tell that Megan picked up on it right away. Her giant brain had been working at full capacity from the moment she opened those brown eyes. She hadn’t said anything, but he’d recognized the slight confusion over his withdrawal.

  Of course, that decision to withdraw had been shot to hell when Sawyer saw—once again—Megan’s strength and determination. Her willingness to sacrifice her job, although hopefully it wouldn’t come down to that in the long run, and do what had to be done with the countermeasure spoke volumes about her. Sawyer found he wasn’t able, and sure as hell wasn’t willing, to try to keep the distance between them when she was willing to put so much of herself on the line.

  He’d just have to deal with the tomorrows as they came. Right now, he wanted to keep Megan as close as possible. He glanced over at her in the passenger side of the car to make sure she was okay. Her eyes were worried, but she gave him one of her shy smiles.

  Sawyer had been smiled at by many women over the years, but none of them took his breath away the way Megan did.