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Countermeasures Page 12

  Megan patted down her thin sweater. “Nothing on me, Mr. Cory. And I think the lockdown is an excellent idea. It’s important for Cyberdyne items to be safe.”

  Mr. Cory still looked at her sternly, standing between her and the door.

  “The policy also means you’ll need to return any items you’ve taken out of Cyberdyne. Even if it was acceptable in the past for you to remove them, it no longer is.”

  “Absolutely.” Megan nodded enthusiastically. “I brought everything in with me this morning. They’re all in the R & D vault. Would you like to come down with me and see?”

  Cory relaxed minutely. Obviously he felt if Megan was willing to escort him to the R & D vault she really had returned the items she’d taken yesterday. Either that or Cory knew he’d have Megan in his office for interrogation if she hadn’t. Either way, Cory felt he had Megan where he wanted her.

  This was Megan’s best chance to escape, while Cory was slightly more relaxed. “Dang it, this shoe just won’t stay tied.” While bending down to tie her shoe again, Megan glanced out the door. Sawyer was there. Ready.

  Megan threw herself upright, grasping her arm with the other hand and jabbing her elbow as forcefully as she could into Ted Cory’s stomach.

  Not expecting the blow, the man doubled over. Megan began running for the door as fast as she could. Behind her just moments later she could hear the commotion as the other security guards struggled to figure out what was going on.

  Megan saw Sawyer use his badge to open the sliding doors. They slid all the way open, but almost immediately began closing again. One of the guards was manually overriding the door.

  Megan ran faster. There were only a few yards to go, but she wasn’t going to make it.

  Then Sawyer moved forward and wedged himself in the closing door, his back against one edge, foot and hands against the other. Megan knew he wouldn’t be able to hold it for long, and once it shut she wouldn’t be able to get out.

  “C’mon, baby, you can make it,” Sawyer called to her, teeth gritted, body straining.

  In a final burst of speed, Megan scampered through the door opening, under Sawyer’s leg where he was holding it with all his strength. As soon as she was through, Sawyer dived out of the door and it slid shut. Sawyer helped Megan up from the concrete and they ran to the car.

  The closed door now worked in their favor as the security guards were locked inside the building as they tried to reset the override. Sawyer started the car and they pulled speeding from the parking spot.

  Fortunately, the security gate held no barriers besides a mechanical arm. It was lowered to stop traffic, but Sawyer didn’t even slow down as he drove straight through it, splintering it into multiple pieces.

  Megan looked out the back window and saw the security guard run out of the gatehouse, but there was nothing he could do about the damage now.

  “I told them they needed stronger security at the gatehouse,” Sawyer muttered, then turned and winked at Megan. “I’ll bet they’ll listen to me now.”

  Megan’s heart was pounding. “That was really close.”

  Sawyer reached over and grabbed her hand. “I know. You did great.”

  “I wasn’t sure you’d know when to open the door.”

  “Well, thankfully, all the men’s attention was focused on you—as usual—not on me standing right outside the door. Although I was pretending to be on a phone call in case anyone looked.”

  Megan ignored the “as usual” part. She had found that men’s attention was very rarely directed at her. Well, maybe it had been a few moments ago, since she was putting on the this-is-how-you-become-a-fugitive show, but not normally.

  “And that is quite a sucker punch you have there, Dr. Fuller. If you ever want to try a different profession, you might want to look into MMA.”


  “Mixed martial arts. You could be in the Ultimate Fighting Championship in no time, if this morning is any indication.”

  Megan knew Sawyer was trying to make her feel better, but the gravity of what she had just done wasn’t lost on her. She had probably just thrown eight years of her professional life away. There was no way she’d be able to go back to Cyberdyne like it was before, no matter how important the countermeasure project was or how many lives she saved. She was a security risk now. And that was something that would follow her even if she moved to a different company.

  Her field was a rather close-knit group. Highly competitive with each other, sure, but also chatty. What Megan had just done—stealing company property, assaulting the head of security, tearing through the guard gate as if she was in some sort of Dukes of Hazzard episode—would be all over the computer R & D community by the day’s end.

  Maybe Megan should look into a job as an MMA fighter. Because she wasn’t going to be working in the computer R & D field anytime soon.

  “Are the police going to be after us?”

  “Probably. But not right away.”

  Megan looked over at Sawyer. “Are you going to get in trouble for what just happened?”

  Sawyer shrugged, but definitely didn’t look overly concerned. “Omega won’t like that little stunt with the gate.” He cringed a little at that. “But given what happened at your house, your car accident and the evidence of a traitor inside Cyberdyne? No, I’m definitely not going to be in any trouble.”

  “So what’s the plan?”

  “First, back to the hotel, where we can pick up everything. Then on to the safe house.”

  “Do you know where that is yet?”

  Sawyer scowled just a bit. “It’s not anything close to a lab, like I was requesting. But I guess that’s to be expected on such short notice.”

  “All right, well, a lab isn’t critical. I just need somewhere where I can spread out and not have anybody try to kill or arrest me for a while.”

  Sawyer chucked softly. “Roger that.”

  Halfway back to the hotel, Sawyer’s phone vibrated in the console between them. Sawyer glanced down at the text when they stopped at a red light.

  “Okay, slight change of plans,” he announced, returning the phone to its place.

  “Bad or good?”

  “Evidently Omega found us a new safe house. It’s farther out of town, but the remote location gives us more room like you wanted and Omega feels it’s more secure.” Sawyer frowned when he said it.

  “But you don’t agree?”

  “No, they’re probably right. Less traffic is probably better. But it won’t be ready for a few hours.”

  There was something else Sawyer wanted to say, it seemed like, but he wasn’t talking. Megan knew she shouldn’t borrow Sawyer’s trouble, too; she had enough to worry about. If there was something that concerned him enough, he would share it.

  But Megan couldn’t ignore the little nagging pulse in the back of her mind. She’d had it before, usually when she was in the middle of a development project, frustrated because she and the team couldn’t get something right.

  The certainty that she was missing something. Something important.

  Megan could swear that was the case now, but for the life of her couldn’t figure out what it was.

  She just hoped she figured it out before it was too late.

  * * *

  THAT HAD BEEN too damn close. Now that they were safely in the car and no one was coming after them—that bit he’d told Megan about the cops not coming after them was somewhat of a stretch—Sawyer could relax a little.

  When Sawyer saw Ted Cory catch up to Megan, he had thought it was all over. She had handled herself like a champ—more than Sawyer would’ve expected from almost anybody, even a seasoned agent. The lady definitely had a giant brain, but she wasn’t afraid of action. Otherwise, she’d be locked in Cory’s office right now threatened with arrest if she didn’t provide the countermeasure and Ghost Shell.

  It would’ve set them back from finishing for at least two or three days, possibly much longer. Exactly what DS-13 needed in order to be a
ble to sell their version of Ghost Shell as soon as possible.

  Sawyer definitely hadn’t counted on Ted Cory being at the office so early and immediately searching for Megan. But Megan had made it out and that was what mattered.

  Sawyer needed to call in to Omega and let them know what had happened. He’d told the truth when he’d assured Megan he wouldn’t be reprimanded for getting her out; Megan finishing the countermeasure was more important that the security director’s rules at a private corporation.

  Although Omega definitely wouldn’t like the ramming-the-gate thing. Sawyer snickered a little. He’d like to be a fly on the wall when his boss, Dennis Burgamy, got that news.

  Sawyer just wanted to get Megan to the safe house so she could finish the countermeasure. This new safe house sounded as if it better suited their needs, which made it fine by Sawyer, although he wished Omega would just pick one place and stick with it. Sawyer didn’t like changes when his and other’s lives were at stake.

  They arrived at the hotel. Sawyer parked around back and they quickly made their way to his room. Where Sawyer stayed wasn’t public knowledge, but there weren’t many hotels in the small town of Swannanoa and the local police would certainly be patrolling around here before long.

  Megan was looking a little shell-shocked. Sawyer led her over to the bed and encouraged her to sit down.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yes. I just don’t know how you do this all the time—the lying and narrowly escaping and running crazy.”

  Sawyer kissed her forehead. “Believe it or not, my job is not always like that. Or at least the craziness is a little more spread out.”

  Megan shook her head and sat back. “If you say so.”

  Sawyer gathered all his items and packed them quickly. It wasn’t long before they were leaving, heading out the back just so no one in the lobby would happen to remember seeing them.

  Sawyer drove them out of town, the opposite way from where the safe house was located. They needed to get some food, and Sawyer needed to check in. But just in case someone remembered seeing them and were questioned, Sawyer didn’t want to be anywhere near where he and Megan would be going.

  Sawyer found a diner of the twenty-four-hour variety not too far south of town. He pulled in, keeping an alert eye for anything—or anyone—that might be out of place. But nothing drew his attention. He got Megan into a booth, they both ordered and then Sawyer stepped outside to call in to Omega. He made sure to stay where he could see the booth from the window.

  Sawyer dialed the number for Omega, then entered his personal security code. He waited to be connected to a handler so he could make his report.

  “Blowing up a security gate, baby brother? Seriously?”

  Sawyer felt himself relax. It wasn’t often Juliet ended up as his handler, but since he wasn’t technically undercover right now, he didn’t have one specific person he was reporting to. She must have seen his code and decided she wanted to take the call.

  “Blowing through, sis, blowing through.”

  Juliet laughed. “Either way, I’m sure Burgamy is not going to be thrilled when he gets the report.”

  Sawyer smirked at the thought of his boss hearing about it. “I guess that will teach him to send me on a babysitting job.”

  “You always seem to find trouble, Sawyer, no matter what you do or where you go.”

  “It’s a gift.” Sawyer chuckled. “How did Omega hear about the gate already?”

  “Cyberdyne’s head of security called and reported your rogue activity.”

  “And what was he told?”

  “The usual—that you were working on orders that were above his security clearance and that sometimes desperate measures are required to complete those orders.”

  Sawyer was glad Omega had his back. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about the local police coming after them. “I hope that’s enough to keep Ted Cory from doing something stupid on his own.”

  “Me, too,” Juliet told him. “How is everything going with Dr. Fuller? I heard she ended up being...not what you expected.”

  Sawyer could hear the smile in his sister’s voice. “Where’d you hear that from?” he asked her.

  “A little birdie.”

  “Yeah, well, I imagine that little birdie is about six foot two with brown hair?” Sawyer had no doubt that Evan was the one telling his secrets. Especially if it was to Juliet. “I thought you didn’t talk to Evan very often.”

  “I don’t usually. But he had info about you, so...we talked for a while.”

  Sawyer didn’t want to bring up Evan or any subject that would cause Juliet more pain. She’d been through enough.

  Sawyer changed the topic. “I guess this report-in was almost unnecessary since Ted Cory did a lot of it for me. The important thing is I’ve got Dr. Fuller in pocket and we’ve got everything she needs to finish the countermeasure on her own.”

  Sawyer looked into the diner and saw that their food was being delivered. He gestured for Megan to go ahead and eat. “I’ll be taking Dr. Fuller to the updated safe house soon.”

  “How long does she think it will take to complete the countermeasure?” Juliet asked.

  “I’m not sure. Less than twenty-four hours, I hope.”

  “Evan’s concerned.”

  Sawyer nodded. “I know. The timing is going to be pretty tight on this. As soon as the safe house is ready, I’ll take Megan there immediately.”


  “Dr. Fuller. Don’t you give me a hard time about her, too.” Sawyer grimaced. “She needs a few hours of sleep, which unfortunately is going to have to happen in the car, I guess. She’s been under a lot of stress the last couple of days.” Sawyer explained about the accident and break-in at her house. “Plus what happened at her job today.”

  “You might as well let her sleep, especially if the safe house isn’t ready. She’ll be able to work much more efficiently if she’s firing on all cylinders.”

  “You’re probably right. Thanks, sis.”

  “Be careful out there, Sawyer. She’s not a trained agent.”

  Sawyer wasn’t sure if Juliet was warning him off Megan on a personal level or just reminding him of the obvious: this entire situation was much harder on Megan than it was on him. Megan didn’t have any training or expertise on how to deal with this type of stress. Either way, Sawyer knew he should listen to his sister.

  “I hear you, Jules. I’m on a twelve-hour report-in schedule right now, so I’ll be calling back in this evening.”

  “Be safe.”

  Sawyer hung up and walked back into the diner. Sawyer knew he would do anything necessary to keep Megan safe from DS-13. The question was, who would keep her safe from him?

  Chapter Fifteen

  A few hours later Sawyer sat in the backseat of his car, his back resting against the door, an exhausted Megan sleeping up against his chest. They had finished their meal and left the diner. With still a couple of hours before the safe house would be ready for them, and Megan close to a breakdown, Sawyer had found a park for them to stop at.

  A full stomach made them both feel better, but Sawyer could tell that exhaustion was pulling at Megan. She had been quiet through most of their meal, unfocused, drifting. Sawyer had never seen Megan like that. It looked as if Juliet had been right; the pressure—the entire situation—was proving too much for Megan’s system to handle.

  Sawyer couldn’t do much about the pressure, but he could give her a couple hours’ rest so she could hopefully reset. He had no doubt she could get the job done if she could just rest for a while. Even giant brains had to shut down sometime.

  When they’d stopped at the park, it had taken Megan long moments to even realize they weren’t moving anymore. She turned and looked blankly over at Sawyer.

  “Hey, sweetheart. We’re going to stop here for a while and let you rest.”

  “Where are we?”

  “A park. But a good one where we can be partially hidden and I can
see if anyone is coming.”

  “Is it safe for us to sleep?”

  “You’re going to sleep. I’m going to be watching out while you do.”

  “But are you okay? Don’t you need sleep, too?”

  Even after all she had been through, exhaustion clear in her features, she was still concerned about him. Sawyer shook his head and ran a finger down her cheek. “I’m fine, hon. It’s time for you to rest now.”

  Megan had gotten into the backseat and stretched out, almost instantly falling asleep. Sawyer had remained in the front. Even in her sleep, Megan couldn’t get comfortable, shifting around back and forth. Sawyer realized she was shivering. The temperature outside the car was dropping and sitting here in a running car would be pretty conspicuous.

  Sawyer didn’t have a blanket, but he definitely had his own body heat. He could be on guard just as easily from the backseat as the front. Removing his Sig from his shoulder holster, he kept it in his hand as he got out of the car and slid into the backseat.

  Megan hadn’t even awakened when he shifted her slight weight so she was sleeping up against him. But she had cuddled into his warmth. Sawyer had circled her with one arm and kept a watchful eye out for any enemies who might approach, although he doubted DS-13 would be looking for them in a park.

  He hadn’t minded holding Megan against him for those hours while she slept, keeping her safe. Of course, having her snuggle and rub up against him constantly was pretty much torture. But Sawyer found he didn’t care if it meant Megan could get what she needed.

  A first for him, he could admit. Sawyer loved women. Loved their softness and their idiosyncrasies and their beauty that came in all shapes and sizes.

  But Sawyer wasn’t a man who just tended to hold one while she slept when there were other things—and in this case, he could think of quite a few detailed other things—he’d rather be doing with her. But right now he was content to just hold Megan against him and listen to the adorable little snore that escaped her tiny frame every once in a while.

  It must be this case that was causing Sawyer to act so out of character. The case had almost killed both his brothers last month. So solving it was obviously of abounding importance to Sawyer’s subconscious.